We are grateful for any and all financial support we receive. You can make one off donations or even donate physical items such as clothes and diapers!
Financial donations can be made securely through PayPal in either USD or GBP by clicking on the respective button below:
Alternatively, click on your country below to find out how to make donations or make Adopt-A-Cot sponsorship payments:
Please make cheques payable to “Hope House Babies Home”
Account Number: 010002039971
Paramount Bank Ltd, Westlands Branch
Business Number: 907950
Account Number: 010002039971
Funds can also be sent by telegraphic transfer to our Kenyan account here at Paramount Bank in many currencies. Please click here to download a document with detailed instructions. Contact Rosaline Knobbs for more details.
You can donate securely via PayPal in USD by clicking logo below:
Funds can also be sent by telegraphic transfer to our Kenyan account here at Paramount Bank in several currencies. Please click here to download a document with detailed instructions.
You can donate securely via PayPal in GBP by clicking logo below:
Bank deposits can be made to:
Bank: Danske Bank
Account name: Kidogo Kids
Sort code: 95-06-79
Account number: 60043664
IBAN: GB92DABA95067960043664
If you would prefer to send a cheque, please write it to “Hope House Babies Home” and send it to:
Anyone wanting to donate by cheque, please email Alice Watson.
You can visit the Hope House Babies Home – UK Website for more details.
Donations can be made to:
National Australia Bank
BSB Number: 086 138
Account Number: 545289203
Account Name: African Growth Ministries
Funds can also be sent by telegraphic transfer to our Kenyan account here at Paramount Bank in several currencies. Please click here to download a document with detailed instructions.
Please email Carolyn Matheson at Our Kenyan Kids to enquire how to donate in Canada.
Funds can also be sent by telegraphic transfer to our Kenyan account here at Paramount Bank in several currencies. Please click here to download a document with detailed instructions.
Please contact Rosaline Knobbs to find out how to donate throughout Europe.
Funds can also be sent by telegraphic transfer to our Kenyan account here at Paramount Bank in several currencies. Please click here to download a document with detailed instructions.